Samsung Spex SCH-r210 Instrukcja Użytkownika

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Samsung SPEX SCH-R210 Speaker
This guide will show you how to replace the speaker if it is not working properly.
Written By: Susan
This is an easy DIY guide to replace the speaker. It involves removing the back cover,
battery, and plastic cover over the motherboard. You will only need a screwdriver for this
Phillips #00 Screwdriver (1)
Samsung SPEX SCH-R210 Speaker Replacement
© iFixitCC BY-NC-SA Page 1 of 7
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Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - Replacement

Samsung SPEX SCH-R210 SpeakerReplacementThis guide will show you how to replace the speaker if it is not working properly.Written By: SusanINTRODUCTIO

Strona 2 - Step 1 — Phone back cover

Step 1 — Phone back coverRemove back cover by pressingdown with your thumb on top of theback cover.Step 2You will hear a popping noise asthe cover rel

Strona 3 - Step 4 — Battery

Step 3Lift the cover off the phone and putasideStep 4 — BatteryOnce the back cover is taken offthe phone, locate the battery in thephone.Samsung SPEX

Strona 4 - Pull the battery out

Step 5Place thumb at the bottom of thebattery and lift up.Step 6Pull the battery out.Samsung SPEX SCH-R210 Speaker Replacement© iFixit — CC BY-NC-SA w

Strona 5 - Step 7 — Speaker

Step 7 — SpeakerOnce the battery is removed, usethe Phillips #00 screwdriver tounscrew the 4 3/16" screws holdingthe black plastic cover in place

Strona 6

Step 9Remove the black plasticcover from the back of thephone. This may take a little effort.Step 10The speaker is located on theopposite side of the

Strona 7 - Replace with a new speaker

<p>To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.</p>This document was last generated on 2014-11-24 01:13:22 AM.St

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