Samsung SCX-5x30 Instrukcja Użytkownika

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Przeglądanie stron 0
Digital Scanning Solutions
Versatile, affordable scanning solutions for every day business
Digital Printing Solutions
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1 2 3 4 5 6

Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - Digital Scanning Solutions

Digital Scanning SolutionsVersatile, affordable scanning solutions for every day businessDigital Printing Solutions

Strona 2 - Scan to USB

SMTP ServerFTP ServerPOP3 Server User PC with E-mail ClientUser PC with Netscan ManagerScan to E-mailScan to NetworkScan to FTPScan to SMBScan to USBS

Strona 3

Wherever you are, whatever your business, If you need to scan and share documents, there’s a Samsung solution that’s just right| DIGITAL SCANNING SOLU

Strona 4

Scan to SMBWith the Scan to SMB (Server Message Block) feature,users can store scanned documents directly to ashared folder in user’s PC. Up to 20 des

Strona 5

Scan to NetworkSamsung’s advanced Scan to network solution gives you an easy wayto capture and store information from hard copy documents. Featuringth

Strona 6 - Document Management Software

Network scan view Local scan view SmarThruTMOffice Main PageSmarThru 4Samsung’s SmarThru™ 4 software is a convenient image and distribution applicatio

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