Samsung Xpress M2825ND Instrukcja Użytkownika

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Legal and additional information
M2825 | 2625 series
For your productivity
Copyright © 2013 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
Specications and designs are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measurements are approximate. All data were deemed
correct at time of creation. Samsung is not liable for errors or omissions. All brand, product, service names and logos are trademarks and or
registered trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby recognized and acknowledged.
Apple Store and iOS are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
Cortex is a trademark or registered trademarks of ARM Ltd or its subsidiaries.
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Google, Android and Google Cloud Print are trademarks or registered trade-marks of Google, Inc.
Twitter and the Twitter logo are registered trademarks of Twitter, Inc.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
416, Maetan 3-dong,
Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do 443-772,
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Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - M2825

Legal and additional informationM2825 | 2625 seriesFor your productivity8Copyright © 2013 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. Samsung is

Strona 2 - Diverse printing choices

Business managers want a printer that oers low TCO and high productivity...Increase print quality with a high-powered processor and high-speed printi

Strona 3 - Setting and Activating Alarms

Lower operating costs with ecient, eco-friendly printing options.Perform printing tasks more easily using Easy Printer Manager. 4 5Professional eco s

Strona 4

Lower TCO with cost-ecient printers designed for speed and ease of use.M2825 | 2625 series6 7Conclusion Features and benetsCongurationIdeal for cos

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