Samsung MZ-5PA128 User Manual(SSD User Instrukcja Użytkownika

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actiNAS BS 104/212/424/JBOD supported
Date: 2011/12/20
About this Hardware Compatibility List (HCL)
This Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) document contains information for all actiNAS BS 104/212/424
systems supported HDD Drives and using RAID Controller Adaptec 6445. HDD Compatibility list for actiNAS
BS 104 using on-board RAID controller ICH10R you will find on the end of this document.
The following icons are being used for some details and information to be considered in going through with
this manual:
Notes: These are notes that contain useful information and tips that the user must
give attention to in going through with the subsystem operation.
Important: These are the important information that the user must remember.
Warning: These are the warnings that the user must follow to avoid unnecessary
errors and bodily injury during hardware and software operation of the subsystem.
Caution: These are the cautions that user must be aware to prevent damage to the
equipment and its components.
All products and trade names used in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective owners.
The material in this document is for information only and is subject to change without notice.
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Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - HDDs/SSDs

actiNAS BS 104/212/424/JBOD supported HDDs/SSDs Date: 2011/12/20 Introduction About this Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) This Hardware Com

Strona 2 - Hard Disk Drives (HDD)

Hardware is selected and prioritized for certification based on market research and input from the field, including customer feedback. If a cust

Strona 3

Type Manufacturer Family Model FW Revision Capacity SATA Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000.B HDT721032SLA360 ST6OA31B 320 GB SATA Hitachi Deskstar 7K1000.B

Strona 4

Type Manufacturer Family Model FW Revision Capacity SAS Seagate Savvio 15K.2 ST973452SS 0005 73 GB SAS Seagate Savvio 15K.2 ST9146752SS 0005 146 G

Strona 5 - Solid State Drives (SSD)

Type Manufacturer Family Model FW Revision Capacity SAS Toshiba MBF2*** RC Series MBF2600RC 0107 600 GB SAS Toshiba MKx001TRKB Series MK2001TRKB 0

Strona 6

SATA Viking SATADIMM VRFSD1100GBCNS 346A13F0 100 GB actiNAS BS 104 with on-board RAID controller ICH10R Hard Disk Drives (HDD) Interface Manuf

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