Samsung ML ML-4551N Instrukcja Użytkownika

Przeglądaj online lub pobierz Instrukcja Użytkownika dla Drukuj i skanuj Samsung ML ML-4551N. ML-4550 Leaflet.qxd (Page 3) Instrukcja obsługi

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imagine a business printing center
that handles all documents
Imagine a laser printer so professional you
never give its performance a doubt. The
Samsung ML-4550 series elevates your
heavy printing environments with fast
speed (43ppm/A4), duplex print speed,
and hard disk solution.
Samsung Mono Laser Printer ML-4550/51N/51ND
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1 2 3 4 5 6

Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1

imagine a business printing centerthat handles all documentsImagine a laser printer so professional younever give its performance a doubt. TheSamsung

Strona 2 - Control Panel

imagine a business printing center that handles all documents.ML-4550/51N/51NDSamsung ML-4550 series is designed with your business in mindand intende

Strona 3 - 200,000 pages/month

imagine a reliable printing centerimagine a convenient printing centerReliable Speed Lasers are synonymous with speed and the Samsung ML-4550series ex

Strona 4 - Print Jobs

imagine a professional printing solution centerML-4550 SeriesProfessional Network Management ToolsSyncThruTMWeb Admin ServiceSyncThruTMWeb Admin Servi

Strona 5 - JMS (Job Management System)

JMS (Job Management System)Where to use ML-4550 series?Barcode Printing (Optional)In addition to enhanced network features like SyncThruTMWebService,

Strona 6 - Supplies and Options

SpecificationsML-4550 ML-4551N ML-4551NDPrintSpeed *ResolutionFirst Print Out TimeUp to 43 ppm in A4 (45 ppm in Letter)Up to 1,200 x 1,200 dpi effecti

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